Why employee training is crucial for your company’s future?

On a bright blue Monday morning, on the 25th floor of a transparent glass building, there is tension in the executive’s office. Breaking the silence hanging in mid-air, the CFO says, “What if we train them and they leave?” The CEO smiles, “What if we don’t and they stay?” Corporate training is a risk. Ask any corporate analyst, and he will tell you no different. It is the investment of your time, money and energy, with no guarantees. In a company of 50,000 employees, what good is training 5,000 new recruits every year? We can always hire the most experienced ones.

Except, we can’t. Even the most experienced one of us had to start somewhere or the other. Even the most experienced one of us doesn’t understand every single organisation. Moreover, every structure is unique, every company is run by different goals, ideologies, and environment. Take Coca-cola and Pepsi for example, they are both carbonated drinks, both looks the same, both have a similar target audience, yet the slightest mix up in their ingredients can be a tremendous loss for both the company. Despite being so identical Coke and Pepsi as an organisation are so different. They have different marketing strategies, different motto, a diverse audience in different demographics, different work environment, etc. So Pepsi hiring employees who previously worked for Coca-Cola does not solve its problem of training them, and vice versa.

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Let me now address the elephant in the room, why shouldn’t companies ask their own employee to train new recruits? Why should they trust someone from the outside to do this critical job? To explain this, I am going to use an example similar to the one used in my previous article. [Read the previous article]

Imagine you have one of the best senior architects in your company. She has years of experience and is perfect and skilled at what she does. You decide to ask her to train the new recruits in a month. She utilises precious time that can be used to get her work done. She works extra hard and gives her best shot at training, but she fails. Not only does she fail to train them, but also starts doubting her skills and has lost her self-esteem. Does that mean that she is a bad architect? Or she doesn’t understand civil designing? Or doesn’t have appropriate knowledge? She is the best architect but lacks the ability to train, to teach and to inspire. It’s not her fault she couldn’t train them in her field or motivate them to work extra hard, it’s just not something she is good at.

Hiring corporate trainers can tackle problems such as these. We can’t always count on our overworked staff to bear the extra burden of training new recruits every year. In the words of Aristotle, “Those who know, do. Those that understand teach.” A trainer is the one who excels in the art of understanding the subject. He not only knows how to do it, he knows how to get others to do it. The trainer inspires the employees to be more than what they are. He teaches employees to look for more than just themselves and to collectively believe in achieving the company’s goal. Some of the critical problem areas in the corporate environment that can be solved by corporate training.

Capability Gaps

In a study done recently, more than 70% of organisations cite “capability gaps” as one of their five significant challenges in company progress.  It is not unheard of to hire the most experienced employees only to find out later of their inabilities to do the right thing. Capabilities gap is one of the most pressing issues in a company’s development. Research has also found that without training, most organisations take around 3-5 years to make a seasoned professional fully productive. This paramount problem of capability gap can be solved by enrolling employees in a corporate training program or to hire the corporate trainer itself for good measures. Studies also show that hiring corporate trainers can be a great way to make for a capable and driven staff.

Skill Gaps

Another research on corporate talent showed that global skill gap is the most crucial issue on the minds of business and HR leaders. Hiring new recruits fresh out of college who’s unpractical and outdated curriculum did more creative damage than any good to the students’ abilities, is common.  Corporate training is now a must have to generate an impactful and bold staff.  Making each and every employee learn the practicality of their field. Teaching them how to apply it in the corporate world to benefit their personal development, regarding finance, knowledge and success, and the overall growth of the company.

Leadership Gaps

Now more than ever, companies need commendatory corporate trainers to help close the widening leadership gaps that threaten the company’s ability to compete. One of the crucial reasons for this is the lack of a leader’s ability to connect with the millennial. Corporate trainers can get leaders more in touch with the fast-paced work system in terms of modern technology. I say this despite the fact that I am one of those who loves and is always in touch with the traditional ways. But the changing times demand an adaptive mind and it is vital, more so now than ever, that company leaders learn to be more in touch with technology than they ever were.

Corporate Training Can Be Helpful To Boost Company’s Economy

Corporate training is an excellent indicator of economic activity. As a company slows down, they often immediately cut down the employee training budget. However, when the business grows, companies ramp back up to train new recruits and team leaders. Employee training is the most voluntary of all corporate spending, an admirable indication of business confidence to the investors.

And as for the first paragraph of this article, employees leaving or staying in a company is almost at all times found to be in direct relation to good leadership. A good leader does not leave behind an employee who is failing. He does not hesitate to spend time or even money to upgrade his employee’s talents. Good leaders inspire employees to look past their individual selves and view the company as a whole. The millennials are smart in selecting good leaders who work to make them more skilled than what they were before. And it falls on our shoulders to deliver this through corporate training. In the words of Richard Branson, “If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your business.” 

@Copyright Qtrainers


Mubashira Ahmed

Editor at Qtrainers

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5 Responses

  1. Alex Thomas says:


  1. January 10, 2018

    […] Read more: Why employee training is crucial for your company’s future? […]

  2. January 11, 2018

    […] Read more: Why employee training is crucial for your company’s future? […]

  3. January 12, 2018

    […] Read more:  Why employee training is crucial for your company’s future? […]

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